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Plausible Analytics

What is the API key and why do I need it?

Plausible cannot accept custom events on the fly, it requires they be created before they can be tracked. An Plugin Token allows Conversion Bridge to sync the necessary custom events.

To get a Plugin Token, go to

This URL will be unique for your website. Unfortunately, Plausible does not make this feature visible by default for some reason so you will need to copy and adjust this URL for your domain or find the link from within the Conversion Bridge settings.

What is a Custom Domain?

Plausible Analytics allows you to set a custom proxy domain to serve the analytics tracking JavaScript. This allows for both white labeling the analytics and also making it more likely your tracking script is not blocked by ad blocking software resulting in more accurate analytics.

Once your custom domain is properly set up and configured, enter the url in your Conversion Bridge settings.

Plausible Community Edition Support

Plausible is actually open source software you can download for free and install on your own server – this is called their Community Edition (CE). It does not contain all the features as the hosted paid version (no revenue tracking, funnels or premium support) but it can be an excellent analytics alternative to use for many sites. Conversion Bridge works with this Community Edition – just put in your custom domain name where your instance of Plausible CE is set up.

To get your API key for CE, go adjust the URL described above but put your custom URL like

Plausible Analytics allows you to share your analytics dashboard with others. Conversion Bridge makes use of this feature to embed your analytics dashboard into your WordPress admin.

Go to the Visibility tab in your Plausible site settings tab and generate a link. Copy the generated link and paste it into the Conversion Bridge settings and a new admin page will automatically be setup to give you access to view your stats.

You do not need to build the embed URL, Conversion Bridge handles that automatically

What are the measurement options?

Plausible offers some automated tracking features built into their core platform. You can optionally enable these options for:

  • Outbound Links
  •  File downloads
  •  404 error pages
  •  Hashed page paths

Plausible also offers measurement options for revenue tracking and custom events, however Conversion Bridge uses these in all instances on your site in order to perform conversion tracking so they are not included as options.

Do I need to exclude the script tag?

By default, Conversion Bridge will add the core JavaScript tag to your website for the basic page view tracking. However, if you have used another plugin or a custom code method for including the main JavaScript tracking code, you can exclude Conversion Bridge from also adding this tracking script and causing double page views.

Still need help?

If you have not yet found your answer in the documentation articles, please contact support

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