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  • Google Analytics

    What are the different tracking methods? Google Analytics can be included on your site in one of two different ways. If you have included the main Google Analytics tracking code via another plugin or custom code, be sure to select the same tracking method option in Conversion Bridge. How custom events get recorded is different […]

  • Usermaven

    Where do I find my API key? You do not need the “Server Token” What is the Pixel White-labelling domain? A great feature of Usermaven is the ability to serve your tracking script from a custom domain. This helps prevent ad blockers from removing the tracking script from your site resulting in more accurate tracking […]

  • Fathom Analytics

    Where do I get my Site ID? You do not need to copy the entire embed code script, this is handled by Conversion Bridge automatically What is the Sharing Password? Fathom Analytics allows you to share your Dashboard with anyone via URL. It is recommended to use the “Shared (password protected)” option. If provided, Conversion […]

  • Pirsch Analytics

    Where do I find the Identification Code? Here is the direct link, be sure you are looking at the proper website. What is a Custom Domain? Pirsch Analytics allows you to set a custom domain to serve the analytics tracking JavaScript. This allows for both white labeling the analytics and also making it more likely […]

  • GoSquared

    Where can I find my Project Token? The Project Token is required in order to know which website you want to track. Here is where to find it: Where can I get an API Key? You can get an API key here. This key is used to add a new WordPress admin page with your […]

  • Plausible Analytics

    What is the API key and why do I need it? Plausible cannot accept custom events on the fly, it requires they be created before they can be tracked. An API key allows Conversion Bridge to sync the necessary custom events. To get an API key, go to This URL will be unique for […]

  • Simple Analytics

    Simple Analytics has no required fields needed to enable tracking. Simple click the toggle and the tracking script will be automatically added to your site. Custom Domain Simple Analytics allows you to set a custom domain to serve the analytics tracking JavaScript. This allows helps bypass ad-blocking software and get more accurate tracking stats. You can set […]

  • Swetrix

    Where do I find the Project ID? The Project ID is a required setting in order to track website visits with Swetrix. You can find this in your account by going to: What is the Dashboard Password and where do I find it? The Dashboard Password is needed in order to add your analytics dashboard […]

  • Umami

    Where do I find the Website ID? The Website ID is a required field so the tracking script knows which site to record data. In your Umami account: Where do I find the Share URL? The Share URL allows you to share your website stats with anyone. Conversion Bridge uses this URL to add a […]

  • Wide Angle Analytics

    Where do I find the Site ID? The Site ID is used to know which site to track stats for and is a required field. Custom Domain Wide Angle Analytics allows you to set a custom domain to serve the analytics tracking JavaScript. This allows helps bypass ad-blocking software and get more accurate tracking stats. You can […]