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How to Migrate to a Google Analytics Alternative for WordPress

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is terrible. This is not a hot take as so many people agree with me: There are also tons of memes expressing the frustration people are having in regards to GA4. While wanting to move to privacy-first analytics for my WordPress website was a key reason to ditch GA4, the inability […]

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Live with Mark Szymanski

I recently spoke with Mark Szymanski as we talked about conversion tracking for WordPress plugins and Conversion Bridge live on YouTube. I talked about my history in the world of WordPress starting with clients and now with premium plugins. I also discussed what inspired me to create Conversion Bridge, such as my desire to move […]

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Easy WordPress Conversion Tracking < 1 minute

I built Conversion Bridge with the goal of making WordPress conversion tracking quick and easy to setup. No copying code snippets from random articles you find online. No wondering if it was properly set up and if conversions will, in fact, be tracked. In this video, see how I add the main Google Analytics tracking […]

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Derek + Matt Medeiros on The Breakdown Podcast

I sat down with Matt Medeiros on the Gravity Forms podcast: Breakdown to discuss my new WordPress conversion tracking plugin Conversion Bridge. We discussed why conversion tracking is important, where the ideas came from to build Conversion Bridge (hint: personal needs, past work making Confetti WordPress plugin and also my disdain for GA4), and how […]

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Version 1.1: Introducing Paid Ad Platform Support

In just over a week since launching the first version, I am happy to announce the release of Conversion Bridge 1.1 which includes a plethora of new features and integrations along with some bug fixes. The primary goal of Conversion Bridge is to add conversion tracking for WordPress plugins in the easiest way possible. Version […]

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Dave Swift Reviews Conversion Bridge

Dave Swift, of Profitable Tools, recently did a review of Conversion Bridge for his YouTube channel. He went through all the features of Conversion Bridge and demonstrated how easy it was to get everything setup and working. I think he did a great job showcasing the power of the plugin and the benefits it brings […]

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Introducing Conversion Bridge Version 1: Easy WordPress Conversion Tracking

The digital landscape sees a transformative addition today with the launch of Conversion Bridge. This innovative WordPress plugin is the brainchild of Derek Ashauer, an established figure in web design, development, and digital marketing. Derek’s journey, which began in 2000 with the inception of AshWebStudio, has been marked by a series of successful ventures, including […]

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