Where can I find my Project Token?
The Project Token is required in order to know which website you want to track. Here is where to find it:
- Login to your GoSquared account
- Select your project
- Click “Current Project” in the bottom left
- In the “General” tab, scroll to the “Project Token” section
- Copy your token and paste it into the Conversion Bridge Settings

Where can I get an API Key?
You can get an API key here.
This key is used to add a new WordPress admin page with your analytics Dashboard and is not required for any general or conversion tracking.
Do I need to exclude the script tag?
By default, Conversion Bridge will add the core JavaScript tag to your website for the basic page view tracking. However, if you have used another plugin or a custom code method for including the main JavaScript tracking code, you can exclude Conversion Bridge from also adding this tracking script and causing double page views.
Still need help?
If you have not yet found your answer in the documentation articles, please contact support
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