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Gravity Forms is a widely used WordPress plugin known for its powerful and flexible form-building capabilities. It allows users to create custom forms for various purposes like lead capture, payments, surveys, user feedback, and more. Here are some of its key features:

  1. Visual Form Editor: Gravity Forms provides an intuitive visual form editor, making it easy to design and build forms.
  2. Online Payment Collection: The plugin supports integrations with payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and others for transactions such as registrations, subscriptions, and product sales.
  3. Workflow Automation and Conditional Logic: It offers features to show or hide fields, sections, or pages based on user inputs, enabling custom automated workflows.
  4. Secure Data Collection: Emphasizing security, Gravity Forms includes features like reCAPTCHA and honeypot to protect form data.
  5. File Uploads: Users can add file upload fields to forms, allowing submissions of documents, photos, and other attachments.
  6. Extensive Integrations: Gravity Forms supports integration with various third-party services and applications, enhancing its functionality.
  7. Responsive Forms: The forms are fully responsive, ensuring they work well on all devices.
  8. Developer-Friendly: With an extensive API and hooks, Gravity Forms is highly customizable for those who want to extend its functionality.

Using Conversion Bridge with Gravity Forms can enhance the capability to track form conversions. Conversion tracking is essential for website owners because it provides valuable insights into how visitors interact with forms. This data is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of various forms in generating leads, sales, or user engagement. With Conversion Bridge, site owners can get detailed analytics about form submissions, helping them make informed decisions to optimize their forms for higher conversion rates, improve user experience, and ultimately drive better business results.