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Installation & Settings

  • Getting Started with Conversion Bridge

    Getting started with Conversion Bridge is easy and quick! Everything can be found in your WordPress admin under Settings > Conversion Bridge. Enable your analytics platform(s) Yes, you can absolutely use multiple analytic platforms at once! Conversion Bridge makes it easy to try out alternative analytic platforms so you can see if there is one […]

  • Creating custom events

    In addition to all the plugin integrations Conversion Bridge has available for one-click conversion tracking, you can also track any custom events that users may take on your site. You can configure a conversion for any of the following: Finding your CSS selector The first step for creating most custom events will be to set […]

  • What are the Conversion Label and Conversion Value fields?

    Every conversion event can have a name and Conversion Bridge allows you to customize what that looks like in your analytics platform (except for Google Analytics). Conversion Labels The "Conversion Label" field you see when setting up your conversion tracking either in your plugin settings or the Conversion Bridge integration settings is where you can […]