About WordPress Blocks
WordPress has core features such as login, registration and searches which can be tracked. Also works with various core media blocks.
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About Go Squared Analytics
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WordPress Blocks conversions you can track in Go Squared Analytics
WordPress Blocks is a WordPress page builder plugin and you can track the following conversions:
- Logins
- Track when users login to your website to better understand how they interact with their account.
- User Registrations
- When WordPress Blocks triggers a registration, a conversion is tracked in Go Squared Analytics - giving you accurate measurement of which marketing funnels are working best to grow your user base.
- Clicks
- Record button or link clicks in Go Squared Analytics to understand how users are interacting with elements on your website.
- Downloads
- Track file downloads to see which resources on your site are most popular amongst website visitors.
How does conversion tracking for WordPress Blocks work?
The WordPress Blocks conversion tracking integration is incredibly simple and is enabled with a simple toggle! You can then optionally customize the label for how want it to appear in Go Squared Analytics.