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AnalyticsWP is a powerful and intuitive analytics plugin for WordPress users. As the newest WordPress analytics plugin, it stands out in the market for its ease of use, accuracy, and comprehensive tracking capabilities. Whether you're running a blog, an e-commerce site, or a business website, understanding how visitors interact with your site is crucial. AnalyticsWP is designed to provide detailed insights into user behavior, making it easier for website owners to make informed decisions about their online strategy. Here's a closer look at its key features:

  • Easy Installation and Use: You don't need to set up anything special. Just install the plugin, and it starts working. This makes it great for beginners or anyone who wants a hassle-free setup.
  • Accurate Statistics: The plugin offers very accurate data. It can track users even if they use ad blockers and relies on first-party cookies. This means you get a clearer picture of how many people are visiting your site.
  • Detailed Visitor Tracking: AnalyticsWP doesn't just count clicks; it shows what each visitor does on your site. It tracks their entire journey, even if they don't log in. This can help you understand your audience better.
  • WooCommerce Integration: For online stores using WooCommerce, this plugin provides valuable insights. You can see where your customers come from and what actions they take before making a purchase.
  • Data Privacy and Speed: All the data collected stays on your website and server. This ensures better privacy and also means the plugin doesn't slow down your site.
  • WordPress-Like Interface: The plugin's dashboard is designed to look like the WordPress admin area. This makes it familiar and easy to navigate for WordPress users.
  • One-Time Payment: You pay once for the plugin, and then it's yours, including all future updates. This can be more cost-effective than subscription-based services.
  • 7-Day Free Trial: You can try AnalyticsWP for free for 7 days without providing any payment details.
  • Support Available: If you run into any issues or have questions, there's a support team ready to help.

These features make AnalyticsWP a versatile and user-friendly option for website owners looking to gain more insights into their site traffic and user behavior.

Feature comparison for AnalyticsWP

AnalyticsWP EchoDashUsermavenGoogle AnalyticsPirsch AnalyticsSwetrixGo Squared AnalyticsWide Angle AnalyticsSimple AnalyticsPlausible AnalyticsFathom Analytics
Pricing $149 one time Free$14/mo+Free$6/mo+Starts at $5/mo$9/mo+€9.99/mo$10/mo$9/mo+$15/mo+
Free Trial
No Cookie Notice
Multiple Websites
Advanced E-commerce
Data Retention Forever 2 years26 months maxForeverUnlimitedUnlimited12 mo to UnlimitedForever3-5+ yearsForever
Open Source
Derek Ashauer
Derek Ashauer is the lead developer of the Conversion Bridge WordPress plugin. He has helped build hundreds of custom websites using WordPress and helped business grow using marketing strategies and various analytic platforms. He now focuses his energy and experience to build highly-rated and helpful WordPress plugins.