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- Use on 1 site
- Premium 1-on-1 support
- Automatic updates
- Access to all new integrations
- 52 WordPress plugins
- 17 analytics + ad platforms
Need more sites? Contact to get larger bulk license pricing
100% no-risk money back guarantee! If Conversion Bridge isn’t for you, let me know, and I will give you a full refund within the first 14 days of your purchase.
Derek Ashauer
Lead Developer & Support
Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions? These are frequently asked questions but don’t hesitate to contact me if your question is not listed.
Do I have to use WordPress?
Yes, Conversion Bridge is a WordPress plugin and only works on WordPress-powered websites
Do you provide support?
Yes! I am very proud of the quality and speed of support offered should you run into any issues.
What if I need support for a specific plugin or analytic platform?
Send a request and I will take a look - I am always looking to grow the integration list.
Can I use Conversion Bridge for client sites?
Yes! Agencies are highly encouraged to purchase a multisite license that allows you to install and use it on many sites with a single license.
Can I upgrade my plan?
Yes! At any time you can upgrade to a pricing plan that includes more sites.